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I took the scenic route and I've learnt this

I ended up loving myself so fully that it overpowered any sense of injustice or wrongdoing from others.

As I was cooking dinner the other day, an overwhelming feeling of relief took over me, out of nowhere.

It doesn’t have a tight grasp on me anymore.

It doesn’t make my tummy churn when it’s time to talk to them, the anxiety isn’t building when I fear I might run into them, the fear of existing wrong is no longer there.

The Profound Meaning of my Newfound Love

It's gonna be a ride.

All the relationships that made me feel heavy in my tummy, because they were either unresolved, they could never understand what I was saying, or justice was never served, made me uneasy every now and then. Mostly, because I didn’t know how to act or how to show up. I didn’t know how to choose me while still interacting with people who I felt had treated me unfairly. I worked through a lot, and it’s been ok, but I’ve never felt fully free. It felt like everything was chill and at bay most of the time, but that tiny feeling of unease would always arise whenever a trigger came up.

And right now, I have experienced this shift in real time.

The feeling of being wronged, misunderstood, treated unfairly, abandoned and so on has completely disappeared. I can’t explain it into words but that feeling was replaced with the following sentence I ended up loving myself so fully that it overpowered any sense of injustice or wrongdoing from others. others.

This profound shift made me see that realised that loving (yourself or others) is not an action, it’s not something you need to do or learn how to practice. It’s a by-product of seeing, understanding and accepting yourself fully. It’s getting curious as to why you acted, feeling, thought in a certain way or in a situation. It’s getting to the core of the issue with compassion, understanding what need were you trying to satisfy. Not the action you took, the words you said or things you didn’t do. What were you trying to provide for yourself?

And you will find that it was something along the line of wanting to feel worthy, seen, understood, appreciated.

Find that need and you’ll be one step closer to your true self. And then, build from the ground up.


The beliefs we accumulate throughout our lives act as filters, distorting how we express this core vibration. And so, when it's filtered through guilt, shame, and fear, we end up acting in ways that don't reflect our true essence of love in the need to express that love.

When we release everything that isn’t ours, the weight that holds us down and makes us feel pain, all that’s left is love. This state of being naturally assimilates, integrates, and transmutes any wrongdoing, injustice, or unfairness we might have experienced throughout our lives.


I believed all of this for a long time , but I never fully felt it profoundly. I never truly knew it at cellular level, it never fully felt part of me.

I now have come to know what love feels like. What I feel like.

And from now onwards, I feel like I have a different starting line. A different foundation.

Everything that arises goes through the processing process but on a new foundation. I’m actually excited to see what form will my life take.

What is love? Baby, don’t hurt me

The word love has become a cliché, a bit cringe, a cue for a eye-roll. It’s white noise, something we barely acknowledge as information. We no longer trust what it means, how it makes us feel and how it exists in our lives.

But love is simply what we call our natural frequency. That’s all it is.

It’s who we are.

What we’re made of.

What everything is made of.

It’s everything that feels good and weightless.

It’s flow, it’s ease.

It’s an empty mind, excited to see what happens next.

It’s not having a plan on how you’re going to act.

It’s the knowing that you are existing correctly.

Love is the absence of fear.

Yes, you are allowed to re-invent the wheel

Don’t compare to what the world had decided it’s good or bad, deemed as acceptable or not acceptable. Just because a bunch of people agree on something, it doesn’t make it true. It’s all a perspective.

One of millions of perspectives.

Your job is always to look within and remember that, no matter what it looks like or what you’ve created, consciously or not, you’ve done it with good intentions.

But good is subjective.

And so,

The external people and factors will then act as guides, either helping you reaffirm your position or nudging you to change it in light of new information that you’ve accepted as true for you.

And as a result, now you can take accountability without feeling less than, you can give something up without feeling like a failure, you can change your approach without feeling like a like you’re behind and you can make a new choice without the weight of the previous one influencing it.

Just like Bob Ross said, “We don’t make mistakes, we make happy accidents.”

The more you release judgements, beliefs and habits that aren’t yours and replace them with what is true for you, or, how we say it collectively, the more you heal, the more acceptant and less avoidant you become of yourself.

And these puzzle pieces will begin to form an image, one that grows as you go. You might have started creating a puzzle without knowing the picture on the box, fitting things together in the dark, but after a while, you’ll begin to see the core image. And as you continue to collect more pieces, they will enhance it, adding depth, beauty, complexity, and making it bigger, richer, and more expansive.

You start to see the fun and now you enjoy the game.

From motivational speakers to out of this world intelligence

And don’t take my word for it, everyone from Joe Dispenza to Bashar have talked about this same thing. And I’ll be honest, while I got it and felt like I was rediscovering information in me rather than learning something new, I didn’t truly know it until I knew it inside of my heart, mind, body and soul.

Now I remember something that Bashar said - everything is love. Love is a vibration that’s what it all is. We have a unique vibration at the core that attracts like a magnet everything that is compatible with it. And you don’t have to learn how to attract, how to manifest, you just need to drop all the stuff that’s not yours because, your stuff doesn’t weigh anything.

My truth is, when we individually take different paths and reach the same destination, unaware of others, it’s the only validation I need to remind myself to truly sit down and listen to my inner compass because I always know what I need.

I don’t have to force it, I don’t have to think about it, I don’t need to work hard to make it fit. I just need to follow it, no matter how silly or insignificant it might seem - like rushing down to the beach to catch the sunset just 10 minutes before it’s over.

As I mentioned earlier, all I heard and read, felt familiar and I believed, but never truly knew to be true until it clicked for me. And for a long time, I didn’t think it ever would. I didn’t think, and I didn’t even truly know there was another level, one that can't be explained in words. It’s a profound shift that takes over, becoming your new starting point.

You do you, boo

My biggest advice to anyone on this quest, is to keep only the things that resonate with you close. Don’t hold on to something because that’s “what is supposed to be”. There are so many tools to pick and choose from, so many voices, books and so much information. And as you go, it will change. Some might become outdated and some will become more interesting. I started from Gary Vaynerchuk and ended up at Bashar. I took the scenic route.

It’s supposed to be fun, you’re supposed to be discovering who you are, remembering your love so, start with you.

That there is no right way or wrong way to do anything.

No matter what anyone says, whoever they might be, there is no no right or wrong, there’s only your way. And if you truly know and embody that, once you stand still, just breathe, you always know.

What you know might change each time you repeat the process and that’s ok, you’re figuring out what it is right for you.

And I promise you that, the more you do it, the closer you get to yourself, the clearer things get. It’s like a muscle you flex it and it becomes stronger.

And, if you become frustrated, let yourself be frustrated. Hold yourself through it. Let yourself vent. Validate every feeling you got. No, you’re not ungrateful, you’re not behind, you’re not stupid, you’re not incapable.

Observe what is happening and, like a compassionate parent, keep your child safe while they express their frustration.

Don’t run away, try to fix it, course correct or hyper fixate on finding a solution. Just be in it. Feel it. Embrace it. Sit with it.

Don’t think. Put your entire mind into your body.


When logic stops, when you surrender, knowing takes over. And we’ve been taught to believe that this is unpredictable and unreliable cos we cant “control” it.

There’s nothing to prove that is true.

It’s not a fact. It’s a perspective.

I’ll leave you with this

Let go, or be dragged - The Dalai Lama

When you let go of the need to control everything, you make room for something better to come in. - Mel Robbins

Surrendering is not the giving up of something. True surrender is the total acceptance of yourself. You're not 'losing' anything in the surrender, the way your society usually means that word. You are not giving up anything in the sense of loss. Surrender means to open up: Open up to your total self; to give in and let go of the things you think you're supposed to be. Just be who you are. It will see you through.

Surrendering is not giving up control, it's surrendering to the power you already have. The current knows where you’re going. - Bashar

We see our beliefs as truths, not ideas that we can change. - Joe D You are the placebo

And my personal favourite,

Witches call it spells.

Religious people call it prayer.

Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect.

Scientists call it quantum physics.

Everyone's arguing over it's name, but no one is denying it's existence - Unknown

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